Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Summary of El Coronel No Tiene Le Escriba (Not Mine)

Summary of the work by chapters. The colonel one writes, is a work that consists of seven chapters separated by a white typo. In this paper, I will stop for a brief summary of each chapter. First, the Colonel wakes up and discovers that coffee is not enough for breakfast and have to attend a funeral, which the colonel is the first natural death that they have in years. His wife affected by asthma has long been not leave the house. Colonel down to the place where you wait for the funeral.Its raining, always raining in October, causing discomfort to the Colonel. Second, the Colonel has a cock that is a legacy of her son Augustine, who was killed in January in the cockpit for spreading information secret. The common†¦show more content†¦On November 2 the woman takes flowers to the grave of her son Augustine, she is still suffering from asthma. Colonel sacrifices for their own food and his wife to throw it to the cock. Finally, co-commissioned Augustine to feed this animal. Fift h: Don Sabas advised the colonel to sell the cock and can receive up to nine hundred dollars and also would remove a lot of trouble from him.Colonel question in the office post for your letter unanswered. Then the Colonel returns home with his wife and decides to go to offer condolences to the house of the dead. The woman went to apply for a loan on the rings of marriage Father Angel, but he replies that it is sin to negotiate with sacred things. After this alarming situation, the Colonel decided to sell the cock to Don Sabas. Sixth: Colonel goes to the office of Don Sabas with the decision to sell the cock. After many hours of waiting, Don Sabas appears but does not realize the presence of the colonel. Colonel returns home with bad news, he tells his wife and she, you are advised to be much more decisive with Don Sabas.Colonel Don Sabas again and it gives you four hundred dollars for the cock and also offers a preview of sixty dollars until the rooster sold manage theaccounts . Sev enth, the colonel and his wife wake up one morning with joy and feel good, now have food and even new shoes for the colonel with the money they forward Don Sabas. One day, when the Colonel is going to the post

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